Educational Resources
Education is a major part of our Mission at AngioCalc. Please Contact Us if there are aneurysm or coil embolization resources your team would find helpful.
ASPECTS Calculator

ASPECTS 10 point scoring calculator to assess early ischemic changes on non-contrast Head CT
Converter Tool

Converter tool compares sizes of catheters, sheaths, wires, and coils in French (F), Inches (in) and millimeter (mm).
Neurovascular Coils

Neurovascular Coils: Chart compares some of the available Neurovascular embolization coils, highlighting unique characteristics and properties.
Peripheral Coils

Chart compares some of the available Peripheral embolization coils, highlighting unique characteristics and properties.
Conformable and Liquid Embolics

Chart compares the available Conformable and Liquid Embolic agents available for vessel embolization
Revascularization Devices

Revascularization Devices: Chart compares some of the available Neurovascular Revascularization devices such as stent retriever thrombectomy for acute ischemic stroke.
Neurovascular Stents

Neurovascular Stents: Chart compares some of the available Neurovascular Stents used in stent-assisted coiling of cerebral aneurysms (coverage area 6-15%).
Neurovascular Flow Diverters

Neurovascular Flow Diverters: Chart compares some of the available Neurovascular Flow Diverters used in-place of embolization coils (coverage area 30-35%).
Neurovascular Stents and Flow Diverters

Listing of available Neurovascular Stents and Flow Diverters
Raymond-Roy and NIH Stroke Scale

Angiographic classification tool for grading occlusion of aneurysms treated with coil embolization.

Collection of early endovascular aneurysm coil articles and sentinel articles on aneurysm and ischemic stroke treatment